
Installation Information

Are you looking for information on installing Bullet Boots? Take a look at proper fitting and mounting techniques. Also, a few helpful hints.

Bullet Boot Installation

The “Bullet Boot” Pipe Flashing is a one-piece, flexible rubber boot and plumbing vent sleeve used as terminal vent pipe roof flashing.


Remove interfering shingle nails around the perimeter of the roof opening. Depending on the application, apply a bead of shingle adhesive along the bottom of the flange, and slide the top end of the boot up and under the shingle. Allow the bottom vent flange to lie on top of the shingles or cut shingle to fit.


Take care and make sure the boot is properly aligned. Nail in place using 1¼” coated roofing nails spaced 6” to 8” on center, or at least 3 per side, a maximum of 1” from the outer edge of the flange, and 1½” from each corner. Apply roofing cement to all shingle edges and nail heads to prevent water infiltration.

vent fitting

Helpful Tips

  •  Brittle PVC Pipe
  • PVC pipe can become brittle from years of exposure, so handle it carefully. It could snap if you pull on it.
  • “Loose” PVC Pipe
  • If your PVC pipe moves downward while installing the boot, you may need to pull the pipe up while sliding the boot down so that the boot stays in contact with the roof.
  • PVC Pipe Length
  • In most areas, building codes state that the PVC pipe must be 9 inches above the roof. The Bullet Boot can handle a few inches of variation from this, but if your pipe is really long or really short, you may need to either cut it down to size or use some PVC pipe fittings to extend it.

Our Products

Bullet Boots LLC’s line of Bullet products are top-of-the-line innovations that will improve the quality and ease of the services you provide to your customers. Do you need any of the following products? Contact us and we’ll help get you connected!

  • Gooseneck Vents
  • Off-Ridge Vents
  • Pipe Flashing Products
  • Plumbing Vent Boot
  • Roof Leak Supplies
  • Roof Ventilation Products
  • Roof Vents With Pest Screen
  • Roofing Accessories
  • TPO Roof Boot
  • Bullet Boot
  • Ventilation Products
  • Roof Vents
  • Ridge Vents
  • Pipe Flashing
  • Roof Pipe Replacement
  • Roofing Materials
  • Pipe Boot
  • Vent Pipe Flashing

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